How to make delicious CHIA PUDDING
If you are looking for a delicious dessert to stop your sweet cravings without cheating on your diet, you are in the right place.
Chia puddings are so sweet, so perfect for to have as a dessert, and apart from that they are so healthy and nutritious.
Chia seeds: they help with blood pressure, they are full of antioxidants, they are great anti-cancer and so much more healthy benefits which you can find out here.
The ingredients of this recipe are a great source of antioxidants and they have incredible anti-inflammatory properties. Mango for instance help to build strong bones.
Coconut Milk is full of electrolytes, helps with hydration and prevents from fatigue, but you can chose any milk that you like for this.
– Coconut Milk (or milk of choice)
– Chia seeds
– Coconut oil
– Raspberries
– Turmeric
– Mango
Grab a cup and pour your milk in it, till full. Add you chia seeds to the mug, 2-3 tablespoons per mug (the amount depends on how thick you want your pudding). Mix it well and keep the mug in the fridge. Meanwhile add coconut oil, coconut milk and raspberries together and blend, leave it on one side and now put together the turmeric, mango and coconut milk, blend and put on one side. Now, start preparing your puddings. Grab two glasses and pour one layer of chia pudding and another of the raspberry or the mango mix (each to one different glass) and top it with some almond (blend to make crunchy) and blueberries on the top. ENJOY!!
Watch the video to understand better the process =)