Golden Tea: How to reduce stomach bloating and alleviate gases
Feeling bloated in your stomach is really uncomfortable and there are those situations when it comes along with gases and get really painful.
Generally speaking and from my own personal experience, when it comes to stomach bloating, apart from feeling inflammated overall, I feel really tired and my energy levels are really low, also food does not help, it kind of makes it worse.
Stomach bloating can be caused by stress, bad diet, hormonal changes, fluid retention, constipation, digestive disorders and bowel obstruction.
Whenever I have this feeling of bloating, I try to cleanse my stomach in a natural way. One of my absolute favourites is by drinking hot golden tea, it is a very good tea which provides of relief and healing.
INGREDIENTS: (Serving for one person)
– 1/2 tsp Ginger: helps to salivate the gasses, promotes proper digestion, boosts the immune system and it is a natural inflammatory.
– 1/2 tsp Turmeric: It is a natural inflammatory, helps with indigestion and it is a natural antidepressant, so it is going to bring your mood up.
– 1 Lemon: reduces inflammation, great source of antioxidants so it is going to help with detox.
– 1 tsp Cinnamon: great source of antioxidants so it is going to help with detox, it has the ability to alleviate gases and helps to reduce diarrheas.
– (1 cup)Water: you could use milk if you want, but in my case milk doesn’t really help me when I’m feeling bloated. Water not only keeps us hydrated which is really important, being dehydrated makes us have an acid stomach and can lead to constipation. Water also helps us with the bowel functions, it helps to flush away all the waste and toxins.
Put water to boil on a saucepan, and once it is boiling, add all the ingredients, mix well and leave boiling for 10 minutes. Sieve it and pour into glass or mug with a slice of lemon. Enjoy the good taste and health benefits!
Watch the video to know how to do it better =)